Famous Bars
What Type Of Girl Are You In The Club
The different types of girls you encounter in bars and nightclubs can have a very different influence on how good your night out is. For a guy, it can be difficult to spot the differences in types of girls (much like it’s difficult to spot the difference between Asians) until it’s too late and your evening has already been ruined or the mood changed. To help avoid this, here are a few more types of girls in bars and nightclubs.
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Types of Girls in Bars and Nightclubs
Bars and nightclubs are the best place to meet diverse ranges of people, and to talk to someone that you’ve never talked to before. While in your every day life you might go for a cute brunette who loves art and music, you might find that at night you prefer the blonde girl with a nearly non-existent dress. In nightclubs, there are so many girls that it becomes hard to know where to look, and eventually they all merge into one. However, there are a few distinct types of girls that are easy to spot from a mile away, and each of these girls can do something very different for your night.
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Some Awesome Drinking Games!!!!
Before a night out, it’s always great to play a few drinking games to get you in the mood for partying. These games help you learn things about your friends (especially who is a lightweight), they provide a great amount of laughs and, most importantly, they get you drunk. The best drinking games are the ones that make time pass quickly, and when you suddenly stand up you realise how much you’ve truly drank. While there are countless drinking games out there, a few are favourites and should be played in your lifetime at least once.
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How to Get Drunk Quickly in Bars and Nightclubs
If you’re a university student like me (or just poor in general), one concern that always arises before a night out is how much money you will need to spend on alcohol. After all, bars and nightclubs don’t make their drinks very wallet-friendly, and your friends are probably as poor as you (therefore they can’t shout you drinks). However, there are ways to ensure that you don’t go completely broke from a night out, but still have fun.
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Thailand Becoming the Bar and Nightclub Capital Of Asia
If you’re a fan of bars and clubs, Thailand should be on your list of places to visit before it’s too late. Recent research shows that in the next 12 months, tourists heading to the Asian destination are set to increase. Elephant riding in Bangkok, touching tigers in Koh Samui or dancing the night away at the full moon party on the island of Koh Phangan, there is always something fun to do in Thailand.
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Cask Wine Being Banned In The Northern Territory
The Australian Medical Association (AMA) is pushing to ban cask wine in the Northern Territory after a recent study was published in The Medical Journal of Australia.
The study found that per capita consumption of pure alcohol for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations in the Northern Territory has been about 14 litres or more per year for many years.
According to Steven Skov from the Northern Territory Department of Health and Families, figures of dangerous drinking levels in the NT are 50 percent higher than other states in Australia.
“Often there is a perception that drinking is a problem with Indigenous people; it is non-Aboriginal people as well,” he said.
“Both men and women are practicing risky drinking behaviour as well.”
Skov described ‘risky drinking behaviour’, as more than 28 standard drinks per week for males and 15 for women.
“The rate of people being hospitalised as a result of risky drinking has increased and the numbers of alcohol related deaths as too,” said Skov.
“People dying because of alcohol in the Northern Territory is 3.5 times the national rate.”
Information from the National Drug and Research Institute at Curtin University, showed that these figures obtained by the study were substantially higher than international rates.
In 2003, Luxembourg had the highest alcohol consumption rate of the 179 countries surveyed, at 15.6 litres per person, per year.
Ireland came in second place with 13.7 litres.
President of the AMA in the Northern Territory, Paul Bauert said banning cask wine was a step forward to fixing this problem.
“It would slow down alcohol consumption by raising price and decrease availability,” he said.
“We have a large problem of people coming to the major towns like Darwin and Katherine and they are accessing alcohol.”
Bauert said cask wine would be the easiest to ban in the immediate future.
“Cask wine is easily obtainable because it’s cheap,” he said.
“People are buying it, sharing it, distributing it in coke bottles and drinking on the streets with other people which then leads to anti-social behaviour.”
The Living With Alcohol program, which was put into action in the Territory during the early 90’s, shows that increasing prices on certain alcohols decreased consumption.
General levies were placed on products containing over three percent of alcohol, with extra costs added to the sale of cask wine.
Skov said there was a reduction in cask wine consumption with figures jumping from 0.73 litres of pure alcohol per person over the age of 15 per quarter, to 0.49 litres.
“Many believe the best way to curb this problem would be to increase the price per standard drink,” he said.
“Most people, including heavy drinkers are very good at figuring out what is the cheapest way to get a certain quantity of pure alcohol and the particular form of it is secondary.”
Skov explained that when cask wine was banned in Alice Springs three years ago, retailers aggressively marketed cask port and people switched.
“Placing a volumetric tax on cask wine may be a much better method of dealing with alcohol abuse.”
Constellation Wines in South Australia is just one manufacturer who would be affected by the move.
Group Manager, Anita Poddar said their company isn’t worried about a loss of profits.
“We support the responsible consumption of alcohol,” said Poddar.
“We’re not concerned about the impact of the ban on our business – we are concerned that groups at risk will stop drinking cask wine and switch to other substances.”
Andrew Wilsmore, General Manager for Policy and Government Affairs at the Winemakers Federation of Australia has similar views.
He said no winemaker wanted to see their product abused.
“Winemakers would be rightly concerned if the banning of cask wine was adopted as a stand alone measure,” he said.
“Experience tells us that this will have little effect in reducing alcohol abuse and other forms of abuse in general.”
Wilsmore said the wine industry was already aware of the situation in the Territory.
“We’re working with the Federal Government and relevant bodies in the NT on existing restrictions on four-litre cask sales in selected communities and town centres.”
He said profits will fall for the industry if the banned goes ahead, but retailers won’t feel the pinch as they are likely to see increased sales in other beverages.
“We would much prefer a nation drinking wine in moderation with a meal most nights of the week than the abuse of our product in one sitting.”
Today’s Recommended Perth Bars are:
Voodoo Lounge
1907 Bar
Ambar Nightclub
Leederville Hotel
By Nastasia Campanella
No Homebake in 2010
Festivals are playing ground for many clubbing enthusiasts, but if you’re a fan of the Sydney Homebake festival, disappointing news has been uncovered. Festival organisers have announced the event will not be taking place this year. 2010 was to celebrate the festivals 16th year.
Organisers say they are calling the gig off after difficulty securing a great line-up. “We are closing another chapter in the life of Homebake music, arts and film festival – 2009 was our 15th anniversary and it was an astounding success for all who did participate,” organisers posted on the events official website. “Each and every band put on a stellar performance and we hope that you - the ever loyal Homebake audience – did have a spectacular time.”
Organisers say that they are disappointed with the decision, but it needed to be made. They were not able to book the bands they wanted in time. “The intention is for Homebake to return proverbially ‘bigger and better’ than ever before.” They said there will be more environmental initiatives put in place, the best live acts, more art and incentives for the few generations of loyal Homebake followers who attended in the past.
The local festival has been hosted in Sydney’s, Domain after kicking off in Byron Bay in 1996. Acts like Powderfinger, Silver Chair, Sarah Blasko, Art vs. Science and the Divinyls have graced the Homebake stage.
By Nastasia Campanella
Todays Recommended Sydney Nightclubs are:
Chinese Laundry
Candy’s Apartment
Carmen’s Nightclub
Could You Go Topless for Cash?
I recently started working in a bar. I’d worked in the hospitality industry before – as a waitress and behind the bar. I knew there was going to be something quite different about working in a venue where girls went topless.
Initially, I went for the interview, was told about the job and accepted the work immediately. I’m fresh out of uni, wanted some cash to put towards an overseas trip and really just wanted some form of employment which didn’t require too much stress on the mind. Mix cocktails, poor beers, remove empty glasses from tables and ensure seedy old men don’t waste their child support down the pokies were my instructions. Before I walked out of my interview however, my soon boss to be had just one question he needed to ask; “If we pay you more, could you go topless?”
At first I wasn’t sure if he was serious. When his expression didn’t change and I couldn’t see a cheeky smile forming on his lips, I knew he was most definitely being serious. I don’t have a problem with girls who are into doing that for extra money, but personally, it’s not for me. I kindly said I was fine with the money he’d offered, but that my top would be staying firmly on in the workplace. He was totally fine with my response and the matter was never mentioned again.
When I went home that afternoon, I got to thinking about going topless. Would it really be that bad? I felt that my breasts weren’t that big and that my boss wouldn’t think the extra cash would be spent wisely on me. More than that though, was the thought of my parents / grandparents finding out. I would feel ashamed, embarrassed and like I would be letting them down. I’d always been a hard working girl, a smart girl, a girl with goals and dreams for the future. Prancing around in my underwear and letting men leer at my bits as a way of making a quick, easy buck wasn’t for me. I have no problem if you do that for work, hats off to you! If you like what you do and your happy with yourself go for it.
By Nastasia Campanella
Today’s recommended Perth Bars are:
University Bars… Not Just For Drinking
University bars aren’t just crammed with poorly dressed, malnourished drunks writes Nastasia Campanella. It’s widely known and now expected that uni students have a habit of spending way too much time at their uni bars. While some skip Sociology lectures for two hour binging sessions, others enjoy using the bar for different reasons.
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Top Five University Bars in Australia
Uni kicks off again this week around the country for most students. Whether your new to campus or going back for another semester, the bar is sure to be a spot you’ll be hitting for a beer or two. Our uni bars have pretty impressive events and theme nights going on these days. From beer pong competitions to watching a band on the grass with a hotdog, our student unions are going to extra lengths to improve our uni life. Here are our picks for the top five university bars around Australia.