A List of DJ Scratching Techniques
If you, like many thought that scratching was just a random act of moving the record back and forth whilst twiddling a knob, holding the headphone against your ear and trying to look slick then think again. This technique that DJs use is far more than just playing with the record, it is an art form that takes months and years to perfect.
As one of the more well known techniques that a DJ uses, scratching has evolved from what it once was to incorporate a huge number of styles, that are used depending on the genre of music, be it trance, house, techno, RnB or hip hop.
Baby Scratch
This is the technique that most people associate with the DJ. This is when the DJ moves a record back and forth quickly with one hand. If you are on dance floor, you will probably note this is one of the opportunities a DJ gets to salute the crowd and look cool.
Chirp Scratch
This is hard to explain to a non DJ, but it is a variation on the baby scratch however also uses the crossfader (the crossfader is the thing that determines which of the two records is heard by the dance floor and to what intensity). When you see the DJ scratching with one hand, and moving a knob left and right he’s using this technique.
Hydrophonic Scratch
This is when the DJ scratches the record in one direction whilst using his or her thumb to moves the record in the other direction. Sounds pretty complicated.
Flare Scratch
Too hard to explain… perhaps ask a DJ or Google it.
Transformer Scratch
To the non DJ, appears to be one of the more complex forms of scratching and is when the DJ scratches with one hand and rapidly moves the cross fader back and forth with an intense look…
Scribble Scratch
This involves the DJ tensing his arm and kind of making it vibrate (try it it isn’t that hard).
Other techniques a DJ uses to mix the music you love are the Euro scratch, orbit scratch, crab scratch and tweak scratch, however I can’t be bothered to explain them all it is just too hard. If you’re still interested then watch this video.
By Ben King
The History of the DJ
Whilst everyone knows what a DJ is, few people would know the rich history regarding the rise of the DJ over more traditional forms of live music and entertainment. Once more, the what readers definitely wouldn’t be aware of is that the history of the DJ goes back to the 1800’s before radio’s were even invented.
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Trance Music Festivals From Around the World
If your reading this article then chances are you like trance music about as much as we do… which is heaps. The genre of electronic music that is trance, is a relatively newcomer to the music scene however despite this, trance music is still the focal point of some of the biggest festivals in the world.
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The Biggest Selling Hip Hop, RnB and Dance Music Singles of All Time…
Have you ever wondered what the biggest selling tracks of your favourite genre are? We have, so we decided to investigate exactly which tracks have sold the most and found that in the world of music… NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS…
So without further adieu, below is the official list on number 1 tracks of all time from all the major music genres that this website cares about.
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A History of Hip Hop Music and Culture
Hip Hop and RnB have without question been the dominant music genre of the 2000’s. Approximately 40% of number one hits throughout this period have either been hip hop or RnB illustrating perfectly how a once obscure music genre can dominate the mainstream music charts for a decade so much so, that it has created a subculture unto itself.
If you don’t know, the father of Hip Hop culture was DJ Afrika Bambaataa who forged the 5 pillars of hip hop culture being DJ’ing, MC’ing, break dancing, graffiti and knowledge during the 70’s. An arguably late edition to these pillars is beat boxing however this was not originally deemed to be an integral part of Hip Hop Culture.
Originating from the Bronx, Hip Hop culture is without question most identifiable with African Americans, however has been adopted by all ethnicities both in the USA and around the world, largely due to the contribution of Hip Hop groups such as RUN DMC and Public Enemy as well as hip hop music icons such as Grand Master Flash during the late 80’s.
Massive contributions to hip hop music and culture were also made by notable break dance crews including the Rock Steady Crew, New York Breakers, as well as the Kool DJ Herc, who pioneered the hip style of DJ’ing and turntableism which is still used today.
Due to the explicit language used as well as controversial topics that hip hop music addressed, conservative groups moved to censor hip hop music and artists on the basis that they glorified violence. If anything this only increased the popularity of the hip hop artists they tried to regulate, and reinforced existing prejudices that proponents of hip hop music and culture had against the police and government.
So popular now is hip hop music and culture that the national geographic published “hip hop is the world’s most popular youth culture” in which every country has its own brand and take on hip hop music and culture. Without question, hip hop is set to only grow, as a never ending line-up of hip hop artist cultivate their skills around the world.
By Ben King
Today’s recommended Brisbane Bars are:
A Beginners Guide to Trance Music
With the never ending and continuing changing list of electronic music genres, undoubtedly there are budding clubbers out there a little bit confused about what’s what in the world of trance music. Whilst trance and electronic music “haters” will tell you that all music that emanates from a computer falls under the category of “doof,” there is a huge number of variations and styles of trance that make it one of the most well known styles of electronic music.
The godfather of Trance music is a German guy by the name of Klause Schulze, who’s first album Transfer is believed to have been the origin for naming his style of music “trance.” Although trance music only started becoming semi mainstream during the mid to late 1990’s, he is widely credited for pioneering this style of music.
Although originating in Germany, the home of trance music today is without question the Netherlands, with 3 of the Worlds top 10 DJ’s hailing from this small European nation including DJ Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren and Ferry Corsten.
If the Netherlands is home to trance music, then Ibiza would be its living room. The famous clubbing Island of Ibiza without doubt the epicentre of trance music. The best DJ’s in the world and the most avid lovers of trance music flock to this small Spanish island to party during the northern summer.
So if you are looking to educate yourself on trance music, below is a beginner’s guide to set you on your way to become a trance music expert.
1. Classic Trance
2. Progressive Trance
3. Hard Trance
4. Acid Trance
5. Uplifting Trance (also known as “Anthem Trance,” Stadium Trance” and “Euphoric Trance.”)
By Ben King
Today’s recommended Melbourne Bars are:
Who Are The World’s Best DJ’s
It’s a topic discussed by lovers of techno, trance, house and electronic music around the world… who are the best DJ’s in the world? Whilst differing tastes in music dictate who might be your favourite DJ, there is undoubtedly a group of DJ’s out there that are a cut above the rest.
So in an effort to answer this question, we did a bit of research online to suss out which DJ’s are the most sought after and came up with this list of the top 3 DJ’s in the World.
1. DJ Tiesto
Tijs Michiel Verwest (DJ Tiesto) is largely credited for revolutionising trance and hard trance music. The 40 year old Dutch DJ’s fame started in 1997 when he founded Black Hole Recordings. In 2000 he hit the big time with his remix of the Delirium and from 2002 – 2004 was voted the best DJ in the world by the bible of Dj’ing, DJ magazine. As resident DJ at Privilege nightclub, officially recognised as the world’s biggest nightclub, few would argue DJ Tiesto is the top DJ in world today.
2. Armin Van Buuren
The 2nd Dutch DJ on the list, AVB can also lay claim to moulding trance and euro-trance music into what it is today. Hailing from Kouderkerk Ahn Den Rijn in the Netherlands, AVB it wasn’t uncommon for this preeminent trance DJ to perform 6 – 7 hour sets at the Nexus nightclub. His 2000 compilation CD “A State of Trance” sold 10,000 which led to a vast number of top compilations mixing progressive, trance and techno. AVB is currently the host of one of the most listened to radio shows in the world with over million listeners also called “A State Of Trance.”
3. ATB
André Tanneberger comes in as the number 3 DJ on our list. Most known for his number one hit in 1999 (and a track some would say epitomises the dance music of the time) Till I Come, ATB is also known for an epic list of hits, ATB regularly release his ever changing style of dance/trance music in his native country of Germany. A DJ known for his ever evolving style, ATB’s release in 2005 of the compilation CD “7 Years” featuring all his hits received critical acclaim around the world.
By Ben King
Todays Recommended Sydney Bars are:
What Type Of Nightclubs Guy Are You
Guys in bars and nightclubs are always a mystery to the girls. One minute guys can be all over you, and the next minute he will run to another girl or leave you without asking for your number. The trick to help avoid getting totally confused, lost and helpless in situations like these is to recognize the different types of guys in bars and nightclubs so that you know which ones to avoid and which ones to invest your time in. To help save you time and effort with guys, here are a few more types of some guys you will come across in bars and nightclubs.
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A Girls Only Bar?
Call them sexist, but one Hotel in Queensland, Australia has taken a bold move, designing a ladies only floor with girls only accommodation and mini bar. In an Australian first, the Portal Hotel is one of a handful of international hotels catering for the growing number of independent female travellers demanding luxury and security in equal measure.
According to owner, Georgie Woods, the decision to ban boys - from one floor at least – was based on demand within the market. “These days, women account for around 40 percent of Australian business travellers – that’s a lot of ladies travelling alone, often in unfamiliar cities without a good working knowledge of the area,” said Woods. “its not surprising, then, to learn that 70 percent of women identify safety as their main concern when choosing travel accommodation.”
Woods said designing a girly themed floor was way too much fun. “There’s girly treats that only a female could appreciate.” Doors are locked with special security cards, staff are all female and a Pamper Bar featuring organic beauty products, Yealands Way Carbon Zero wine range and hair dressing services are on offer. Rooms have been designed with a female aesthetic in mind including a fresh seasonal bloom scented candle, waffle robe and slippers, magazines and a luxury product pack.
The hotel is located close to shops and has 11 rooms available as “girls only”. The place has just been given a face lift too with a quarter of a million dollars being spent to transform the hotel from a humdrum lodge to a stylish boutique destination. Decore features antique gates, sleek furniture and free iPod docking stations, wireless internet and its only for $235 a night. Ladies take advantage of this amazing bar, dining and holiday option! Embrace your equal opportunity to travel alone and be safe.
The Portal Hotel
52 Astor Terrace Spring Hill, Brisbane
The Nice Guy’s Guide to Bars and Nightclubs
Let’s face it guys: bars and nightclubs are not a place for the shy, quiet, and nice. Nightlife is a time when laughter, drinks, and inappropriateness rule all, and for a nice guy that can be a little hard to compete with. Women everywhere, wearing almost nothing, guys twice your size dancing and drinking so much you wonder how their liver hasn’t shut down yet…it’s easy to fade away into the background. But don’t worry, nice guys: there’s a few things that you can do to ensure that you have a good night out and also don’t disappear off the face of the clubbing scene entirely for that night.
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