Sunglasses At Night.

Beer goggles.

Aw yeah cool concept.

I have actually had the pleasure of wearing legit beer goggles, as in protective eye gear that impair your vision and subsequently your ability to walk, run, throw, catch etc as an attempt by my year 10 health teacher to warn of the effects of binge drinking and demonstrate how terrible it really is to be drunk. (A for effort, Teach.)

“Beer goggles” describes the state of mind of an intoxicated individual who is suffering from severely impaired judgement and/or perception, usually in reference to members of the opposite sex.

‘In other words “she’s a 2 @ 10 and a 10 @ 2”,’

Most people our age are familiar and experienced with the effects of figurative “beer goggles” and the profound aftermath of embarrassing and confusing consequences that so often ensue.

Like when your beer goggles somehow lead you into the arms of that sexy, brooding, irresistible World of Warcraft nerd you’ve had your eye on all year in history.


Or the same way they revealed the truth about your best mates younger hot sister. How you could see the strength of your friendship and you knew that when your mate warned you that you wouldn’t be able to walk if you ever went near her he was really saying, “go for it bud! She’s not out of your league.”


Similarly, like our vision our other senses are also affected in amusing and varying ways. When we are mixing our own vodka and lemonade ‘beer taste buds’ eventually mask the taste of alcohol and lead us to believe that a half/half ratio is an acceptable drink-mixing rule. We experience the affects of ‘beer-muffs’ in instances when we sincerely believe serenading everyone is so much better than actually speaking to them. Our appetite becomes targeted to greasy take-away food. Shoes don’t really seem like a good idea anymore. There is no real concept of time, space or obligation. When a random guy finds you in the street and causally mentions he is a sexual predator and has never believed in monogamy but sees the appeal you can just take it as causally small talk.


As far from reason and normalcy these examples may seem and as foreign from your usual social conduct you believe them to be, we’ve all been there. Actually we’ve been to town there.

Ah, lets face it, you practically have a holiday house there and on the odd occasion you are the mayor of there.

So beware the “beer goggles” because they not only blind you, but make a complete mockery of all your other senses too.

Beer goggles 1
Humans 0

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