Music Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Music can do insane things - affect our moods; make us happy, sad, nostalgic, angry, and even pumped up – ready to take on the world! It can increase stamina when working out, improve the intelligence of unborn foetuses, and has been said to inspire criminals to commit acts of violence (not yet proven in a court of law). So if music can do all of that, then what affect could it have when trying to pick up a member of the opposite sex?

Well the Mail Online reckons a French study found that if you want to ask a women out on a date, she will be twice as likely to say yes if she’d listened to a romantic song five minutes prior to the invitation. So for all you boys out there who have your eye on somebody you’ve wanted to ask out, but haven’t had the guts to yet - simply add music and you’re twice as likely not to get rejected! Simple hey. Well not quiet; I mean this could be an issue if you’re in Church or doing your grocery shopping. However, these obstacles can be overcome by A. Hi-jacking the Church quire, B. a load speaker or C. Carrying a boom box around on your shoulder at all times.

Unfortunately girls, the effects romantic music has on men has not been as well researched. Yet. However, this smart psychologist dude – Adrian North – said that if you do decide to try this experiment on your own, all the men would probably say yes to a date. Therefore you should only ask out men whom you actually want to go out on date with – romantic music or not.

There is another school of thought that reckons guys who play instruments are considered to have more ‘pulling power’ than those that don’t; while women who play a musical instrument don’t – however that’s a topic for a whole other blog….

Below are some interesting articles on music and its affects on certain things in the body:



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